Saturday, July 27, 2024


Back Squats: 5x10s  (lighter)

Good Mornings: 3x12  (lighter, deep stretch) 

Work on house.  

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Garmin running program (9 minutes) plus additional 21 minutes on treadmill.  Holding7+mph for 3+ minutes 

With Tony team WOD
- 100 KBS (53)
-  80 Deadlifts (135)
- 60 Hang Cleans (135) 
- 40 Front Squats (135) 

A little more cool down on treadmill

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Press at 95 10-8-6-6-6
and pull ups 7-6-5-4-4

Superset  10-8-6-6-6
Bench: @185
Rows:  @185 

2 rounds 
10 Curls @40 
10 Arnolds @40 (first set did 2 push press, 2nd did 8 and last 3 were lush press)
20 Band Pull Aparts 

Cardio 30 minutes in treadmill, calves tight when started running so 20 minutes at about 12+% and 3.5+ mph trying to keep heart rate about 145-150, last quarter mile I ran at 7.5+ and then cooled down. 

Monday, January 22, 2024



Bench: 12@135, 10@185 , 10@205, 8@225, 8@225
RR Pull ups: 6-5-5-4-4 

Press: 8@95, 8-8-8 @105 
BB grade pulls @bar + 105: 7- 8-8-7

5 DL - 3 Power Cleans - 3 Hang Cleans - 3 PP
#135 - felt lower back a little tight in HCs 

Adjust to 
5 DL - 3 PC - 3 PJ 
@155 - felt good, conditioning limiting, light cramping in calf. 
@155 - felt good - conditioning by Jerks.  High breath rate, heart rate in 120s.

Monday, January 15, 2024


Run/walk 3.5 miles in 38:08
First 3.0 miles in 29:00

Calves felt good, no low back cramping, right knee tender while warming up. 

Monday, January 8, 2024


Recon Ron pull ups: 6 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 3 
Bench  15@ 135, 8-8-8-8  @ 185

Super set 
Arnolds at 40-40-35 
Curls @ 30-35- 30 

Left shoulder and right wrist could be felt during bench and dumbbell work. 

First day back, no cardio.