Tuesday, March 26, 2013


5/3/1 C3W3: 5-3-1+

Squat: 305-345-385(1)  Felt horrible, 4 days of drinking and eating like crap is not how you hit a new 5RM
Press: 135-155-170 (1) Felt heavy, see above.


All off days...because I am a lazy SOB.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


8 sets of:
4 power clean, @185#
8 kettlebell swings @70lb
-each sets starts every 90 seconds, last round was aweful.


“Death by Clean & Jerk” - @135# - 10+8 (probably would have done better if more rest after first section)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013


Rest Day.

Worked in the yard and mowed grass.


5/3/1 C3W2

Squat: 290-325-365 (x5)
Press: 115-145-160 (x5)

Worked on some cleans

Recon Ron: Pull-ups and Ring Dips


Workout 13.2

172 reps.  Did terrible, felt terrible.  Red lined on second round.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Worked on DUs...set of 17.

Rolled out and stretched out.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


5/3/1 C3W1 Deadlift: 320-370-420
Recon Ron pull ups and ring dips
Good Mornings 5x5 up to 70kg
Lots of DU practice.
6 "long side" sprints (500 feet) all around 25-26 second pace.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Shoulder Press, 8 sets of 3 reps, using 70-75% of your 1-rep max
-each set starts on the minute
In 12 minutes:
75 wallball (20lb – 10ft target/14lb – 8ft target)
50 shoulder press (45lb/33lb)
AMRAP in remaining time:
9 power clean (135lb/95lb)
27 double-unders
-athlete will have plates staged and load them plus clamps after the shoulder press is completed
95# on the shoulder press, taking it easy since I pressed on Sunday.
1+something...more than 9.  Still suck at DUs...need to quit complaining and just practice.  Finished wall-balls in 2:40, shoulder presses sucked.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Started doing the Recon Ron program for dead-hang pull-ups and strict ring dips.  Started on Week 8: 11-8-7-6-6.

Also did 5x5 Pendlay rows @85kg (187#)

Ran/jogged 2+ miles, then ran/sprinted 175 yards 5 times holding splits between 29.4 and 30.5 seconds.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Worked out with Brett  Bracken. 

Worked up to 5 singles on power snatch @80kg
Worked up to some singles on power clean @105kg

5/3/1 C3 W1: 5 - 5 - 5+ (did not push any pluses today, going to start picking my battles) 

Press: 115 - 135 - 150
Squat: 275 - 305 - 350


Rest day, studied for the PE.


Open workout 13.1

137 Reps...red lined on the second set of burpees.


Rested for the 13.1 on 3.8.

Worked on snatch a little, did a set of 5 @135 and 3 at 165#

Thursday, March 7, 2013


1 Power Clean 4 Front Squats @185
1 Power Clean 3 Front Squats @205
3 x 1 Power Clean 3 Front Squats @225

Some more power cleans at 225

Olympic Lifting Class: Pausing 3 position power snatches

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


5 sets of:
3 wide grip strict pullups
3 close grip strict chin ups
3 regular grip strict pullups

8 sets of:
4 push press, 175#
8 kettlebell swings 70lb
-each sets starts every 90 seconds

then…~3min rest 

AMRAP in 6 minutes:
7 hang clean 135lb
8 box jumps 24in pause at top   7+3Rx

Work up to heavy split jerk: 275#, missed 300# twice losing it forward in the dip. 

5x5 Pendlay rows up to 90kg

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


5/3/1 C3W4 deload for Squats and Press (tried to do squats using a lot of speed)

7x2 Snatch pulls @185#
5x3 Snatch DLs @ 205#

For time:
Row 1200m
60 pushups
30 burpees

8:18...slowed down big time on last 15 burpees.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Rest day.

First 4 hour PE morning session practice test...sucked, 24/40.


Rest day.  Worked on DUs a little.

Quads sore from thrusters on Friday.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


3 minutes: 4 thrusters @155#, 4 lateral over the bar burpees:  32 total reps
Rest 3 mintues

4 minutes: 6 thrusters @115#, 6 lateral over the bar burpees:  40 total reps
Rest 3 mintues

5 minutes: 8thrusters @75#, 8 lateral over the bar burpees:   49 total reps

Total: 121 reps.

Then for time with Ellis:
60 WB
50 Hang cleans @135#
40 C2B

50 WB
40 Hang cleans @135#
30 C2B

40 WB
30 Hang cleans @135#
20 C2B

14:56, we split up everything equal except C2Bs, Ellis did a lot more...and I did 20 of 30 hang cleans on the last set.


Worked on DUs.

Snatch 10x1 @90%: 176  (missed a couple forward but felt good)

Cleans 10x1 @90%: 253# (only ended up doing 6, started failing)

5/3/1 C2W3 Deadlift: 390 - 410 - 460 (felt really heavy after that much pulling with cleans, need to get upper back strength up)