Bench: 142.5 - 152.5(f) -152.5(f)
Deadlift: 225 - 235(f) - 235(f)
NC State Meet on 6.8.13, 220# class. 1248.5 total
My first meet was quite the experience. I ended up winning the 220# class, not because my own performance, but because the class being relatively weak. I would not have won 165, 181, or 198 with my total, but a win is a win. Next meet I need to eat much more next time, I felt dead by deadlifts and going 2/6 on bench and deadlifts is unacceptable. I think that my jump was too large on bench and that I probably started too heavy on deadlifts and took too big a jump. A handler would be nice to watch my speed and help determine my next attempt. Next time I think small jumps on the bench and a lower starting dead weight is a must...I should never be worrying about getting a total going into deads. I knew I had won my weight class after bench, but was still a little uneasy about 496 on deadlifts after my hamstring had cramped badly on my second attempt bench.
Live and learn.
My next meet is the SC State meet in December. I am not exactly sure what my goals are for that, but I would like to make 198#. I think the state record squat (462#) is within grasp and I would like to total at least 1320 (600 kg) which I think is more than doable.
Stroup in Action
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