Doubles: 132 - 154 - 165 - 176
Singles: 187 - 198 - 209 (PR)
Last 2 snatches of the day, 4# PR. Also in slow motion.
Snatch High Pulls 5x2 @220
Clean & Jerk:
Doubles: 176 - 198 - 220
Singles: 242 - 253 - 264 - 275.5 (PR)
Last 2 C&Js, last one felt slow standing up with it, that is why
I didn't go for more. I don't open my hips all the way...need to
work on that. Both jerks were ugly.
Beat Swings: 5x12
Plank: 5 x 40 seconds on (20 seconds off)
Ab Mats: 5x10 (FAST)
Day 1 of low carb diet.
Breakfast: 5 eggs 3 slices bacon
Lunch: Spinach and deli meat off wrap
Dinner: NY Strip and salad
Day 1 of low carb diet.
Breakfast: 5 eggs 3 slices bacon
Lunch: Spinach and deli meat off wrap
Dinner: NY Strip and salad