Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Full Snatch:
Doubles: 132 - 154 - 165 - 176
Singles: 187 - 198 - 209 (PR)

Last 2 snatches of the day, 4# PR.  Also in slow motion.

Snatch High Pulls 5x2 @220

Clean & Jerk: 
Doubles: 176 - 198 - 220
Singles: 242 - 253 - 264 - 275.5 (PR) 

Last 2 C&Js, last one felt slow standing up with it, that is why 
I didn't go for more.  I don't open my hips all the way...need to
work on that.  Both jerks were ugly. 

Beat Swings: 5x12
Plank: 5 x 40 seconds on (20 seconds off)
Ab Mats: 5x10 (FAST)

Day 1 of low carb diet.
Breakfast: 5 eggs 3 slices bacon
Lunch: Spinach and deli meat off wrap
Dinner: NY Strip and salad

Monday, April 29, 2013


5/3/1 C4W4 - Deload / speed week 

Back Squat:  3x5 185 - 205 - 225

Front Squat: 3x5 135 - 155 - 175

Press: 3x5 @110#

Annie: 8:09


Rest Day.

Worked out a little with Jen Thompson...she gave pointers on my bench form...I need to widen my grip.


5/3/1 C4W3

Deadlilfts:  375 - 430 - 495 (x1, went up pretty good)

RDLs: 5x5  225 - 225 - 260 (x3)

Pull-ups: 12-9-7-7-7

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Rest Day


For time:
Row 1000m
Run 1000m
100 double-unders

12:38 (off the rower at 3:30.7 which felt good, finished the run in 6 minutes which is an okay pace, things went to shit on the DU only strung together about 7-8 at a time, on a good set)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


5/3/1 C4W3: 5-3-1

Bench: 250 - 285 - 315 (PR, x1) - 330 (PR, x1) (all pause)

AMRAP in 26 minutes and 12 seconds:  (in teams of two, with Jake)
8 clean and jerk (165lb/110lb)
23 box jumps (24in/19in), pause at top
26 kettlebell swings (53lb/35lb)
29 lateral burpees over barbell

5+71 (red lined around minute 16, Jake started taking on more burpees and box jumps at that point.)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Power Snatch: 2x5 @155# (Shoulders were a little sore, so stayed relatively light)

Power Cleans: 2x6 3@220# 3@242#

Final set of Power Cleans, double at 242#

Recon Ron dead hang pull-ups 12-9-7-7-7

Annie: 8:41 (1:34 PR from 4.14.13) 

Monday, April 22, 2013


5/3/1 C4W3

Back Squat: 310 - 351 - 393.8 (x4, PR, see video)

"Fuck you weights!"

Front Squat: 257 - 291 - 325 (x1)

Press: 135 - 155 - 176 (x3) (Press PR)


Rest Day (was lazy and hungover)


Rest Day (took surveying test and drank with Joe)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013


5/3/1 C4W2:

Deadlift: 352 - 396 - 462 (x3)

Sumo deadlifts 5 x 2: @330

RDLs 5 x 4: 242 - 264 (x2) - 286 (x2)

GM 5 x 3: 132 - 154 - 176

Curls 8 x 2: @88

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


10 Minute EMOM
1 power clean
1 hang power clean
1 split jerk


AMRAP in 12 minutes: (teams of two, with one person working at a time)
30 shoulder-to-overhead (95lb/65lb)
30 pushups

with Joe: 6+20

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Warm Up:  100 DU, 2:34 (first set was 33, a 9 du PR)

Butterfly pull-up work.

Snatched some but was dead from squats.

2 Mile Run: 17:04

5 x 40 second plank holds (40 on, 20 off)

Monday, April 15, 2013


5/3/1 C4W2

Back Squat:  290.4 - 330 - 378.4 (x5) (New 5RM PR!)

Front Squat: 237.6 - 275 - 308 (New 3RM PR!)

Press: 132 - 143 - 176 (New 3RM PR!)

Pendlay Rows: 5x5 @ 198#

Annie: 10:15 (PR by default) 


Rest Day.

Flew home from California...and slept.


Rest Day.

Took the PE exam.


Rest Day.

Flew to CA for the PE exam.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


5/3/1 C4W1 5-5-5+

Deadlift: 330-380-430 (5)

Bench: 225 (all paused) - 250 (all paused) - 285 (5, first two paused)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Work up to heavy snatch double, working on full squat snatch:  worked up to 190# (previous squat snatch PR was 185#), that felt really good so I then hit 200# and 205# for a 10# snatch PR (first since Integrity's Revenge in October 2012).


6 rounds for time:
Run 200m
10 burpees

10:32 (first time not redlining on running workout in a long time, last round was probably the fastest)

3x8 pull ups.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


5 rounds for time:
12 deadlift (155lb/105lb)
9 hang power clean (155lb/105lb)
6 push jerk (155lb/105lb)

6:55 Rx (~4 minute PR, didn't write down last time, but it was sub 12)

First 3 rounds were under 3 minutes, then next 2 were 2 minutes per round.

30 GHDs

Monday, April 8, 2013


5/3/1 C4W1

Backsquat: 270-310-350 (x5)
Front Squat: 225-255-290 (x5)
Press: 135-135-155-165 (x5)

did some DU work too, but calves were smoked. 


Saturday morning:

Worked up to heavy 185# squat snatch, started doing some singles but lost my shoulder stability.

Worked up to 10x1 C&J singles @250#

Practiced some DUs

Recon Ron dead hands 12-8-7-7-6

Team WOD with Eli: 5 rounds 5C&J @135#, 5 PU, 10 Push-ups, 15 DU (partner rests while other partner completes)...untimed.


For time: (in teams of two with one person working at a time)
100 kettlebell swings (53lb/35lb)
100 pushups
100 abmat situps
100 burpees

Teamed with Joe Tyson:  11:59 Rx, we did 4x25 KBS, split PU (I did a little more), 5x20 abmats (Joe did 20 more), and did 10x10 burpees.  


AMRAP in 4 minutes:
15 thrusters (100lb/65lb)
15 chest-to-bar pullps
*4 minute bonus for every 90 reps (3 rounds) completed

54 rx, second round of C2Bs killed me. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Mainly rest.

Worked on some DUs and fixed my jerk blocks.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Worked on DUs...hit a set of 24.

6 rounds of 5 handstand push ups then 20 second handstand hold.

5 rounds for time:
5 deadlift (275lb/185lb)
10 burpees

3:34 Rx (:22 seconds faster)

Compare to 6/12/12: 3:56 rx

Core Development:
8 minute alternating tabata
-abmat situps
-reverse abmat situps

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


C2Bs...did about 60 total, first set of 15 unbroken.  

Death by Thrusters @95#, 11+8 (lost midline first) 

Monday, April 1, 2013


Rest Day


Open WOD 13.4 again:  87 rx (4 more T2B)

5/3/1 C3W2 Bench:
230-265-295 (x5)

Dumbbell pull overs 3x8 @85#  (triceps tight for 2 days)


5/3/1 C3W3: Deadlifts 5-3-1
405-445-480 (felt good, went up pretty fast)

3 rounds for time:
12 thrusters (95lb/65lb)
12 burpees
Run 400m

11:26 (thrusters felt really good, burpees got slow in third round splits went pretty much 3, 4, 4)


2012 CrossFit Games Open – WOD 13.4

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
3 clean and jerk (135lb/95lb)
3 toes-to-bar
6 clean and jerk (135lb/95lb)
6 toes-to-bar
9 clean and jerk (135lb/95lb)
9 toes-to-bar
12 clean and jerk (135lb/95lb)
12 toes-to-bar
15 clean and jerk (135lb/95lb)
15 toes-to-bar
18 clean and jerk (135lb/95lb)
18 toes-to-bar…

83 Rx


Rest Day


6 sets of:
-Run 200m
-15 kettlebell swings (70lb/53lb)
-1 rope climb (15ft ascent)… *optional
-each sets starts every 3 minutes
-alternate run each set, 1st set starts at front door

Core Development:
Plank Hold, 5 sets of 40 seconds
-rest 20 seconds between sets