Sunday, May 31, 2020


10 min EMOM: 1 TGU @53 per arm 

5 rounds of Cindy for time: 4:00

4 Rounds 30 on / 30 off 
- RKBS @53  (18s)
- 15 Abmat sit ups 
- 10 DB C&Js @30

30 min peloton 

Saturday, May 30, 2020


At gym:
Bench 5x12 @185 
Ss w/ curls 35# SB 10s

5 sets ×
10s Arnolds @45
12s SS w/ cable rows @110

3 rounds 20 reps:
- cable curls 
- tricep push downs
- band pull aparts 

Lunch then 
30 min peloton 397 kj, 564 cal


During work RR pull ups 14-10-8-8-8

30 min Peloton 

Sunday, May 24, 2020


10 minute EMOM: 1 TGU each arm 

4 Rounds:
- 30 second RKBs @53
-30 second rest 
- 30 second goblet squats @53
- 30 seconds rest 
- 30 seconds T2B 
- 30 seconds rest 

18, 15, 10 (7 on last 2 rounds l) 

20 minute peloton

Saturday, May 23, 2020


Peloton 30 min 

3 rounds 
8-12 pull ups
15 Arnolds @30
20 sit ups 

At gym:
Bench 5x10@185 
DB curls 5x10 (each arm) at 35

5 rounds
12 Cable rows @ 120
Dips: 10-9-9-8-8


Various carsio, see watch data

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

5.11 and 12

Back on FT2.  

Did 30 and 44 minute peloton.  Broke PRs

45 minute was 786 cal and 553 kj output.